These cards provide the first knowledge of animals leading to the classification of animals in the animal kingdom. Set includes 40 pictures of animals, 40 stories, and...
The Fungi Kingdom Chart comes with:
• Control chart
• Mute chart, and
• Individual movable pieces describing characteristics of the fungi kingdom.
Dimensions: 28 x 12" / 71 x...
These cards provide the first knowledge of animals leading to the classification of animals in the animal kingdom. Set includes 40 pictures of animals, 40 stories, and...
The set shows the different parts of the cell:
• Animal Cell
• Cell Membrane
• Cytoplasm
• Cytosol
• Cytoskeleton
• Organelles
• Mitochondria
• Ribosomes
• Rough Endoplasmic...
These cards provide the first knowledge of plants leading to the classification of plants in the plant kingdom. Set contains 40 different plant pictures, 40 plant stories, and...
Here you will find all the concepts and nomenclature you will need for the lower elementary botany studies. We have designed the Lower Elementary Botany Nomenclature to have a...