This miniature statue of Maria Montessori is made of Neolith, a heavy-weight sustainable product that resembles bronze. It is designed to spark conversations between parents,...
This volume contains a wealth of practical information about the implementation of classroom lessons, routines, and celebrations. A full chapter is devoted to each area of the...
The Montessori Potential: How To Foster Independence, Respect, and Joy In Every Child
Paula Lillard Preschlack. This book offers a clear explanation of how the Montessori...
The letters Montessori wrote to her four teenage grandchildren in Holland during the period she spend in India, give a completely new, private insight into that compellingly...
This volume contains the depth and richness of musical experience for children that is the legacy of Maria Montessori and Anna Maccheroni – a legacy to embrace and a...
Spanish version of ‘From Childhood To Adolescence’. Montessori ve a la adolescencia como el “período sensitivo” para las relaciones sociales, la época en la que el niño debe...
Spanish version of ‘What You Should Know About Your Child’. El método Montessori es una educación científica basada en un firme conocimiento de la infancia y la niñez. En este...
This cosmic tale is part of a series of cosmic tales which are based on the great lessons from Maria Montessori and encourage young children to read more about Science and History.