NAMTA. This brief introduction to the Montessori Children’s House will help parents of young children become more familiar with basic Montessori concepts and answer the question...
Based on Dr. Montessori’s lectures during her first course in India in 1939. This book, in two volumes, explores the Montessori approach to the education of children between 3...
Excerpts from her writings and teachings provide a lively analysis of Maria Montessori’s educational beliefs and methodology.
• Clio: 208 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition.
Spanish version of ‘The Absorbent Mind’. Basado en las conferencias que impartió la Dra. Montessori en Ahmedabad, La Mente absorbente del niño es un análisis de los aspectos...
Michael and D’Neal Duffy. The Duffys tackle the difficult challenge of encouraging the maintenance of students’ intrinsic motivation. Explains the philosophical principles and...
A valuable guide for parents, this book is based on the lectures delivered by Dr. Montessori. It simplifies her great educational principles, and brings them within easy reach...
Maria Montessori. The 1946 London course was the first course given in Europe by Maria Montessori after she and her son Mario returned from seven years of exile in India. This...
Child-Size Masterpieces A series of books made of card stock, presenting reproductions of the works of famous artists. The reproductions are to be cut-out from the book....
Michael & D’Neil Duffy. Cosmic Education introduces elementary age children to the universal values that can save us from wars and planetary destruction.
• 197 pp, soft cover,...
Paula Polk Lillard. Montessori theory and practice, with special emphasis on the child’s elementary school years. For parents, teachers, and all those who are concerned about...