A story, written in the form of a fairy tale, that helps familiarize children with the various parts of speech. It originates from a lecture given by Mario Montessori at a...
Michael Dorer. Gain insights to become an accomplished storyteller while bringing the fun and energy of storytelling to your classroom. Includes over 40 complete stories matched...
Aline D. Wolf. Ce guide décrit dans le détail le programme Montessori tel qu’il existe pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans. Il est conçu pour vous aider, vous, parents, à comprendre...
12 lectures in which Maria Montessori gives parents an introductory explanation of her vision on education. Unpublished work from the pedagogical Archives of Maria Montessori....
NAMTA. Outstanding graphics and photos illustrate the interrelatedness of materials and activities within the elementary prepared environment as well as going out. Many schools...
After a parade of the three kingdoms, a revolution takes place and the decimal system is being created. The story prepares the child for working with the Arithmetic Trinomial Cube.