The Sandpaper Capitals guide the hand for writing as the child traces the letter shapes in the style and direction that they are written. Each Sandpaper Capital is in upper case...
Classification work with vertebrates from the five classes. 40 real pictures of vertebrates are provided with each animal isolated on a white background: 5 mammals, 5 birds, 5...
The Cabinet Of Europe contains 12 maps for use by the child to label the major geographic and political parts of Europe. The child places labeled pin flags of different colors...
Temporary Price ReductionOur chairs are made to endure many years of repeated use. The frames and seats are made of solid beech wood and the backs are formed of top quality...
The Sandpaper Numerals introduce the child to symbols 0-9 and their corresponding number names. By tracing the numerals in the style and direction in which they are written, the...
The Addition Working Charts aid the child in the practice and memorization of the unit addition combinations. Includes 2 control charts, 4 working charts and 1 box of wooden...