Shop discounted Montessori materials from Nienhuis Montessori and more! Find high-quality educational tools at special prices—while supplies last!

The Slatted Chair is specifically designed for an infant as young as 1 to 2 years. The seat of the chair is formed in a way that the Toddler is 'pushed' to sit in the right...

For left-handed and right-handed children.

A rubbery-textured ball with knobs on it. As the infant ‘chews’ on the ball, it helps to relieve the pain associated with growing the first teeth.

The Second Box Of Color Tablets introduces secondary and tertiary colors as well as, the language of colors. The box contains 22 tablets, a pair each of: red, blue, yellow,...

With the Binomial Cube children can focus on patterning and ordering, and making connections as to the relationships between the different cubes and prisms regarding dimension,...

After being introduced to the decimal system using the Golden Bead Material, the Stamp Game provides opportunity for individual practice in the operations of addition,...

With the Globe Of The Continents, the concept of continents is reviewed with the child and the continents are named. These lead to work with the Puzzle Maps. The wooden base...

The Geometric Cabinet introduces the child to plane geometry. A six-drawer cabinet containing 35 geometric insets and frames.

The Weaning Chair is specifically designed for an infant as young as 6 months. They are low to the ground and the seat of the chair is deeper to allow the infant to sit with...

This dressing frame has been specially designed to be used by Infant / Toddler-age children. Features includes:- round edges- leather which can be removed and cleaned- simple...

Puzzle Maps - Through sensorial activities with the Puzzle Maps, the children begin to build their knowledge of world geography. The silk-screened maps are laser cut. Laser...